Since 2005
- Corinne Buch, Peter Keil, Oliver Balke, Stefanie Heinze, Ingo Hetzel, Bertram Leder, Tobias Scholz, Thomas Schmitt, Annette Schulte & Henning Witt 2019: Industrial Forest Project – A synthesis after 24 years of accompanying ecological research on industrial brownfields (Poster) – Urban forests: full of energy. 22nd European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF2019), May 22-24, Cologne, Germany – Book of Abstracts. 109.
- Verena Niehuis, Katrin Schneider, Corinne Buch & Peter Keil 2019: Environmental education in urban forest(s) in the Ruhr area (Poster). – Urban forests: full of energy. 22nd European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF2019), May 22-24, Cologne, Germany – Book of Abstracts. 73.
- Keil, P. (2019): Industrial nature and species diversity in the Landscape Park Duisburg-Nord. – Electronic Publications of the Biological Station of Western Ruhrgebiet 39 (2019): 1‒6. pdf ... [3.019 KB]
- Keil, P., Fuchs, R., Loos, G.H., vom Berg, T., Gausmann, P. & Buch, C. (2008): New records of neophytes from the “Ruhrgebiet”, a hotspot of alien species in Germany – In: Pyšek & Pergl (Eds.): Book of abstracts. Neobiota: Towards a Synthesis, 5th European Conference on Biological Invasions, Praha, 23.-26. September 2008, Poster presentation: 83
- Loos, G.H. & Keil, P. (2008): Hybridisation as an evolutionary factor in the phytodiversity of urban-industrial brownfields in the Ruhrgebiet. – In: Müller, N., Knight, D. & Werner, P. Urban Biodiversity & Design. Implementing the Convention of Biological Diversity in towns and cities. - Third Conference of the Competence Network Urban Ecology. Erfurt. Book of Abstracts. BfN-Skripten 229, Teil 1: 154.
- Keil, P.; Kowallik, Ch.; Kricke, R.; Loos, G.H & Schlüpmann, M. (2007): Species diversity on urban-industrial brownfields with urban forest sectors compared with semi-natural habitats in Western Ruhrgebiet (Germany) – First results of inverstigations in flowering plants and varioas animal groups. -European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) May 16-19, 2007 at Gelsenkirchen (Germany). Abstracts Conf. EFUF 2007, p. 65–67
- Keil, P. & Loos, G.H. (2005): Urban woodland flora and vegetation on industrial fallow land in the Ruhrgebiet as a product of culture and nature - an outline of general tendencies - Electronic Publications of the Biological Station of Western Ruhrgebiet 2 (2005): 1-13